The System of Government Established by Mao in 1949 Was More Dictatorship Than Democracy and the People Had No Influence at All. How Far Do You Agree with This Statement?

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There were many factors that influenced Mao’s government towards a dictatorship which is a form of totalitarianism; similarly, there are factors that showed Mao’s government to be a democracy which is a government of the people. This was an illusion of a democracy but it was still there. I agree that Mao’s government was more of a dictatorship. Firstly, one of the reasons why China seemed like a dictatorship was the role of Mao himself. Mao was in control of everything and was seen as the Triple head: control of the state, control of the army and control of the people’s government. This control was mirrored lower down in the hierarchy. For example, Gao Gang. He was the chairman of Manchuria and the military commander of Manchuria as well. The 3 strands: the State Bureaucracy, the CCP and the PLA were all very tightly interwoven by the same person holding office across the three. This shows that Mao’s government was a dictatorship as one person held sole power over a large area. Secondly, the Communist party was very dominant in the fact that they held influence through all that went on in China. For example, with the Marriage Laws the party controlled women’s new status in China because women needed the Communist authorities to approve marriage, divorce, the divorce settlement (if an agreement cannot be reached) etc. Women were tools of the revolution in the way that Mao had released a repressed group. The people lower down in the hierarchy also politicised the non-politicised people and indoctrinated the communist’s ideas to them. The army was also another tool in indoctrinating the people. By the 1950s the PLA had 5 million men under its command but it was reduced to 3.5 million. The PLA still received 800,000 new conscriptions every year and each man served for 3 years. The men who emerged from the army after their 3 years had been trained in warfare and

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