Summary: Introducing Government In America

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APGAP Midterm Review Guide Chapter 1: Introducing Government in America * Describe the contemporary theories of democracy: * Elitism-A government and politics theory that states that societies are divided by classes and the upper-class elite rules by influencing government, regardless of a government organization created to prevent this. * Hyper-pluralism-A government and politics theory that states that groups are so strong that they weaken the government and cripple its ability to make policies. This is an extreme version of pluralism. * Pluralism-A government and politics theory that states that politics is influenced by competing groups who press for their preferred public policies through organized efforts. * Define…show more content…
* Federalists- People who supported the Constitution during its adoption. They believed in large national government, weaker state government, and government by the elites. * Anti-Federalists- People who opposed the Constitution during its adoption. They wanted a small national government, strong state government, rule of the common man, and protections of individual liberties. * Define and give an example of separation of powers and checks and balances * Separation of powers- An aspect of the Madisonian Model of government that requires each of the three branched of government to be independent of and to share power with each other so that one cannot control the others. Ex. Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of govn’t all separate * Checks and balances- balances power- Important feature of the Constitution which enables each branch of government to constrain the other branched activities in order to prevent any one branch from gaining too much power. * After the American Revolution and under the Articles of Confederation, who started to gain/lose political power? * the wealthy lost power and the low income/farmers…show more content…
It means that the government’s justification of power is derived from the people in the society. If the people consent, the government has the right to rule. * Social contract theory- The view that people create agreements that result in the formation of government or an organized society that defines and limits the rights and duties of the individuals in the society. * Describe the major weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation * Congress had little powers besides maintaining army and navy, and did not even have $ for that. They had no power to tax. Lacked power to regulate commerce. All the power rested in the states, and the national government could not do anything independently. * Describe how the Constitution deals with the writ of habeas corpus, ex post facto laws, and bills of attainder. * Writ of habeas corpus- A court order that requires jailers to give reasoning as to why the prisoner is in custody. Protects individual’s rights. Constitution prohibits suspension of this. * Ex post facto laws- A law that makes a now illegal acts punishable for those who committed them when they were legal. Prohibited in the
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