Federalist 51 Analysis

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Cynthia Jones Madison’s Federalists #51 The Federalists papers were written for encouragement of ratification to the Constitution. We learn that Madison says “we are all citizens who need checks and balances throughout the government.” There are three branches of government the executive branch, legislative branch, and the judicial branch that all have separate powers in American government. Madison breaks down how each should be keeping pieces of their power in its place within its constitutional means. One goal was to ensure no branch of government have more power to be tyrannical and violate against right and liberties, so that one branch may not dominate another. When we only had thirteen states, they wanted to become sovereign countries,…show more content…
Madison states that the judicial branch was the weakest of the three. He suggests the judiciary is not meant to be part of the braches because it’s made up of judges and they are required to uphold the laws not the constituency it requires. He says ambition is both a problem and a solution. We expect people to seek power in the government and try to expand upon it. The legislative branch is what he calls has the most power of threat. They set and approve tax rate, approve funds, and how they are spent. Today they make the decisions that affect people that are attending colleges all over the United States to get grants and how much they can approve to give out. The legislative checks both the executive branch and the judicial branches. The executive branch is made of the president and higher power like the military. It’s actually the branch that is most watched for corruption because of the enforcements it possesses to veto. This is how Madison claims how each branch checks and balances are. The legislative branch checks the executive by impeachment from the House, a trial of impeachment by Senate treaties, overriding vetoes, approval of judicial and executive appointees, and…show more content…
Most people really do not know the whole Constitution and it’s entirely but if they did there would be many things they would think is constitional and do not need to be changed. Madison believed to cure the problem remove the cause or control it. We have been using this all this time so obviously it is under control. Now if we decide to make a new one it is not going to make many people happy. It’s possible it will cause many problems and possibly another recession. Maybe even some wars over the states wanting to split away from the United States so they can be their own country. It takes a long time to write something like the Constitution. That is a part of history that we all learn they just cannot make it seem like it never existed or change it would just not make any sense to me. I am not saying just get rid of it completely but we all have learned about the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confederation in history classes growing up and why they are so important to us. All three have made changes to many things but the Constitution by far is just not something that we should change. Do not change something that has
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