Essay: Cumulative Class

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Brianna Cameron GOVT 2301 December 1, 2010 Cumulative Essay When I first signed up to take this class I thought it would be extremely boring and hard to stay focused. When I hear things about politics I automatically tune it out simply because I do not understand what is being said to begin with. This class has opened my eyes a little in more ways than I thought it would. Taking this course with the teacher I had raised my interest level in government, which was not something I expected at all. I figured I would learn about voting rules, passing laws, the constitution and what is was made upon, and what the difference between being a republican or a democrat meant. There wasn’t much I thought id learn, because there wasn’t much I knew…show more content…
They feel that the executive branch holds too much power, and having too much power could in fact be very bad and a threat. Anti-federalist were not as organized as the federalist, and didn’t take into consideration that checks and balances and such stop one branch from becoming too powerful. I learned more about he Bill of Rights. These are the first ten amendments of the constitution that were made limit the power of the United States Federal Government. This was mainly maid to protect citizens. There were more than ten at first, but two were not ratified. Articles 3-12 ended up being ratified and are know the ten amendments of the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights. Civil rights are guaranteed by the law, but took a while to obtain. For instance, even after the civil war African Americans were treated very badly. In terms of jobs they had the worst ones with awful pay. Blacks and whites were kept separate in public places such as restrooms, schools, theatres, transportation, and many other places. Now civil rights protect these things from…show more content…
I think that more time should be spent on Texas only because it interests me more. If Texas’s education doesn’t improve were in trouble because the kids of today are our future. People my age should definitely be more involved with politics and get more into things of that nature in order to help get better people into office and to help more of the common people. When Obama was elected the young adults didn’t vote for him because of what he was going to do, but because of what color he was and they wanted to be part of a ‘change’, and I think they should start reading into who the person running actual is rather than
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