The Strategic Purpose of School Staff

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302 Outcome 2. 2.1 Explain the strategic purpose of: School governors. The school governors are made up from people from the school, the church and the community. They are responsible for the development of the school mission statement and ethos along with the running of the school. They also promote high standards of educational attainment, set targets for pupil achievement, take general responsibility for the conduct of the school and manage the school's budget, including deciding how many staff will work there and their pay. School governors make sure that the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, in particular that the National Curriculum and religious education are taught, and report on pupils' achievement in National Curriculum assessments and examination results. Senior management team. The senior management team (SMT) is usually made up of the head teacher and deputy head. Often you'll find senior teachers with particular responsibilities like leading one of the key stages or something like assessment across the school. The Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) might be a member, and increasingly the school business manager (SBM) is also a member. Their role is to set the strategic direction of the school and then manage this, lead any changes and generally make sure that the school is doing the best it can for the children that attend. Head teacher. A head teacher is the most senior teacher and leader of a school, responsible for the education of all pupils, management of staff, and for school policy making. Head teachers are ultimately responsible for the smooth running of a school, the academic achievement of its pupils and the management of its staff. Although they are usually teachers with many years’ experience, the emphasis of their role is to provide
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