Knowledge of How Schools Are Organised in Terms of Roles and Responsibilities

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Area/subject of personal statement: Knowledge of how schools are organised in terms of roles and responsibilities Describe roles and responsibilities of: School governors Governors have a key role in decision-making and are expected to prepare for and attend meetings of the governing body and any committees of which they are a member. As well as supporting the school, governors need to ask challenging questions to be sure that the school is providing the best possible education. This role is often called ‘being a critical friend’. The governing body's main role is to help raise standards of achievement. It: • Is accountable for the performance of the school to parents and the wider community, • Plans the school's future direction, • Selects the head teacher, • Makes decisions on the school's budget and staffing, • Makes sure the national curriculum is taught, • Decides how the school can encourage pupil's spiritual, moral and social development , • Makes sure the school provides for all its pupils, including those with special needs, • Reviews pupil exclusions and deals with any cases of staff dismissal appeals. Governors are at the heart of how a school operates. It is important they get things right. How they do their job affects the interests of pupils, staff morale and how the school is seen by parents and others in the community. Governor’s support and challenge heads by gathering views, asking questions and deciding what's best for the school. Governors are responsible for how the school is performing. They are not there to rubber stamp decisions. They have to be prepared to give and take and be loyal to decisions taken by the governing body as a whole. Senior management team The senior management team is usually made up of the head teacher and a deputy head however this may differ depending

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