The Shack Response Questions

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Ryan Helm Religion 10 The Shack Responses 1. The book’s main character is named Mackenzie Allen Phillips. Throughout the story he is faced with many things. The death of his daughter is nothing easy to handle. Struggling through life in a great sadness, he discovers a mysterious note from Papa, which is what his wife, Nan, calls God. In a search for answers he returns to the very shack that has haunted his memory for so long. He comes in contact with the Holy Trinity and is forever changed. His time with them made him realize the true sacrifice that the Lord made for us. This book takes you on a very exciting journey that really helps you grow in your faith. 2. The thing that I most enjoyed about the book is that it constantly held my interest. While I was reading it I was focused and drawn in. When I put it down for a bit, I couldn’t wait to dive back in and keep reading. I was always eager to find out what was going to happen next. I think I may order a copy of the book for myself. That way if I ever want to read it again it will be easily accessible. 3. The part I least enjoyed was when Mack was in the car crash with a drunk driver. It shocked me! I thought why would that happen after he just had an amazing experience with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit? I was relieved to find out that he was alright when I moved into the final chapter. Honestly, if the author had decided to kill him there I would’ve been very upset. 4. I think the portrayal of God in a feminine role was a bit challenging. I’m not sure why, but just like Mack, I always imagined Him as a male simply because he is the Father. It was very fitting to portray him the way Young did in the story though, at least in my opinion. It was comforting that He had an answer for anything and everything Mack could think of. The Lord truly is all knowing. 5. I’ve always understood the

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