The Role That Genetic Engineering Plays in the Hunger Dilemma

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The Role that Genetic Engineering Plays in the Hunger Dilemma Genetic Engineering Role in Ending Hunger Genetic Engineering can be defined as “a biological science whose aim includes control of hereditary defects by the modification or elimination of certain genes and the mass production of use for biological substances by the transplanting of genes” (Arora, 2009). Ending our hunger crisis needs more than genetic engineering instead taking responsibility for our actions can make more of a difference than cloning plants and animals. Even though there is risk of contamination between plants and unknown issues to our health, the use of Genetic Engineering should be used as a secondary product to help with the hunger dilemma due to the use of less pesticides as well as the opportunity to feed thousands even in the poor countries. The first recognized version of a green revolution happened in a India village named Punjab which had been struggling for years to feed their people after many natural disasters and other occurrences that left them hungry. Genetic engineering of wheat was introduced in the 1970’s where it allowed the people of Punjab to feed their people and at the same time producing more farms and irrigation than needed. However, what seemed good at the time has not caused problems for that area as a school teacher from the area states, "The green revolution has brought us only downfall," says Jarnail Singh, a retired schoolteacher in Jajjal village. "It ruined our soil, our environment, our water table. Used to be we had fairs in villages where people would come together and have fun. Now we gather in medical centers. The government has sacrificed the people of Punjab for grain" (Turk & Bensel, 2011). There are a many benefits to support the idea of using Genetic Engineering as a way to help end our hunger crisis. The first benefit would

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