Brownell And Nestle's Argument Against Obesity

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Would you like some fries with that? A common phrase heard everyday around the world by millions. A common answer to this common phrase would normally be “sure.” No one can deny themselves an exemplary meal. Food is what drives this world, literally. Without food humans would cease to exist. However, how much of a good thing is a bad thing? How can something this good be bad for you? The answer to these questions is the word obesity. Obesity is a term used to describe body weight that is much greater than what is healthy. If you are obese you also have a much higher amount of body fat than is healthy or desirable. In today’s society obesity has become a huge epidemic. It has led to millions of deaths each year in America. Nowadays,…show more content…
Their claim in their essay is essentially that the government is not doing nearly enough in the fight against obesity. By using statistics, Brownell and Nestle show that the money being used to encourage better nutrition education pales in comparison to the money being used for unhealthy foods. “In the same year that the government spent $2 million on its main nutrition-education program, McDonald’s spent $500 million on its We Love to See You Smile campaign” (Brownell and Nestle 525). Brownell and Nestle also states that the “…food industry and pro-business groups use a public relations script focused on personal responsibility” (525). By listing the main points used by the food industry when approached with criticism, it allows Brownell and Nestle to rebut it later in their essay. With their counterargument they also use morality. “Why quarrel with the personal-responsibility argument? First, it’s wrong” (Brownell and Nestle 525). The morality of the issue definitely helps to convince readers that the government holds the responsibility on obesity. In addition, their evidence also includes a comparison of the personal responsibility argument with obesity to the personal responsibility argument for Big Tobacco. This comparison works well as they state how “the nation tolerated personal-responsibility arguments from Big Tobacco for decades, with disastrous results” (Brownell and Nestle 525).…show more content…
This is the biggest question when it comes to obesity. Is it the individual’s fault for being obese, or is it because the government refuses to help? Radley Balko believes individuals are at fault while Kelly Brownell and Marion Nestle believe the government is at fault. However, instead of arguing over whose fault it is, the government and each individual should take responsibility for obesity. The individuals are responsible because they are the ones obese and the only ones that can truly help themselves. “Let each of us take full responsibility for our diet and lifestyle” (Balko 523). The government is responsible because they are the leaders and thus, they should be obliged to help the people see the errors in their ways. The government “ought to be working to foster a personal sense of responsibility for our health and well-being” (Balko 522). The government should also “…be doing everything it can to create conditions that lead to healthy eating, support parents in raising healthy children, and make decisions in the interests of public health rather than private profit” (Brownell and Nestle 525). In the long run, if the government wants to actually fight against obesity, they need to focus more attention on public health. Nevertheless, it is up to each individual to fight for their

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