The Ritual Obligation of Prayer Five Times Daily I

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Simply to perform the ritual obligation of prayer five times daily is enough to gain salvation as a Muslim". How far do you agree with this statement? 15 MARKS The ritual obligation of praying salah Five times a day is not enough to gain salvation as a Muslim as Islam means “submission to will of Allah’. Prayer is one of the Five Pillars; it is a fundamental way for Muslims to show this submission toward their God in their daily lives. Although salah is mandatory on every Muslim it does not mean that performing this ritual is enough to gain salvation as a Muslim. Salah allows muslims to perform dhikr remembrance of Allah it gives a spiritual connection to their lord however the religion Islam enforces more On the other hand with salah there are no excuses, not even when you are ill, on a journey or even in war so it can be said that it is enough to gain salvation as a Muslim. Moreover Salah is a practical sign of obedience to the commands of Allah and its importance has been emphasized about 500 times in the Holy Quran. Muslims believe that Salah is the most beloved act to Allah and that he loves those who perform it well and on time however it can not be said that on its own it is enough to gain salvation as a Muslim as on the day of judgement one will be judged on not only their salah but on their submission to Allah as a whole. However it is believed that Salah is the key to salvation and it is the sign of Iman and one who abandons it doesn't posses Iman and will not attain

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