The Railroad Strike of 1877

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The Railroad Strike of 1877 One of the most significant strikes of the 19th century was the Railroad strike of 1877. Working conditions during the late 1800s caused tension among struggling communities. The wage cuts caused by the panic of 1873 created resentment among railroad workers (Schultz, 2012). After years of poor wages and working conditions, labors of the railroad went on strike to protest. President Rutherford B. Hayes responded in favor of the railroads, convinced that strikers posed a threat to public safety, authorized the National Guard to put an end to the strike (Schultz, 2012). Violence erupted as a result in cities across the country. The outrage of railroad strikers influenced other industrial workers in St. Louis to join the protest. The railroads, and manufacturing industries of American came to a standstill. However, it was not long before the National Guard defeated the strikers. Labors of railroads were forced to accepted pay cuts, and strike leaders were arrested (Schultz, 2012). More than a hundred 100 people perished is the strike, and serious damage occurred in cities where riots took place. These actions had a negative affects in the public view of the labor workers. The destruction caused by protesting labor workers gave the industry a bad name in society. Anger and resentment brought out violent acts among the protesters struck fear in the general public. Although the strike was ended with a grim view of railroad workers, it called attention to labor activism into the public consciousness (Schultz, 2012). Reference Schultz, K. M. (2012). HIST2, volume 2 (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage
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