The Pymalion Effect

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THE PYGMALION EFFECT The story is about the Pygmalyon effect in management. Definition : The Pygmalion effect is a type of self-fulfilling prophecy where the way that one persons treats another can for better or worse, be transforming. It occurs in the workplace when a manager raises his or her expectations for the performance of workers and this actually results in an increase in worker performance. The principe which is apply is that : « How can you get the best of your employees, Expect the best. » This management has a huge impact on productivity. Employes behaved as they believed they were expected to. So if manager believes his employees are high producers and treats them as high producers, they tend to become high producers. High producers give high results. It’s good to know that managers not only shape the expectations and productivity of subordinates but also influences their attitudes toward jobs and themselves. Managers transmits to employees their own sel-image and self-esteem. If supervisors managers have best results than other managers is also because of the self-confidence. Managers must keep in mind that self-fulfilling prophecies can cut both ways. If you have low expectations for your employees, you may be inadvertently hurting their performance by negatively impacting their self-efficacy I think that the pygmalion effect is true in somme situations but not in all. Sure we are influenced by the way other see us but i think if somebody has a strong personnality, strong self-image or self-esteem or confidence, pygmalion effect doesn’t have huge impact on him or her. For example this kind of people with a low manager will work hard to proove that unless manager think they are low-qualified, they can produce high results. Just because they believe in them. I am one of those kind of people so i don’t really experiment the pygmalion effect. Sure

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