The Outsiders and West Side Story

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The Outsiders is a book about two gangs living in the same city. West Side Story is a book with the same concept with two gangs that are archrivals. These books are classic stories because gang rivalry is still going on today. Even though two different authors wrote these books during two different time periods, they have the same story line. They are very different, since they were written separately. Both of the books have different problems between the main characters. Still, the Outsiders and West Side Story have many comparisons. Both books have two opposing gangs fighting against each other. In West Side Story, the Puerto Ricans make up the Sharks, and the Americans make up the Jets. In the Outsiders, the wealthy teenagers make up the Socs, and the low class teenagers make up the Greasers. Both gangs are rivals and are constantly fighting to show who the superior gang is over the other gang. One gang in both books, the Sharks in West Side Story and the Greasers in the Outsiders, are looked down upon. They both are poor and could not afford many things. On the other side, the Jets and Socs were both the superior gangs. Both gangs controlled most of the town and beat up other gangs. Another thing in common with both books is the big fight between the gangs where someone is killed. In West Side Story, Bernardo kills Riff during the big rumble. Then Tony takes revenge by killing Bernardo. Tony does this because Riff was like a brother to him. Also in The Outsiders during their rumble, Ponyboy was being drowned by Bob. Protecting his friend from harm, Johnny kills Bob with a switchblade. Because of the situation the boys had put themselves into, they needed to protect themselves. In The Outsiders, after the boys are dead everyone realizes what a horrible mistake was made. It ends up being too late to fix it, so they had to run and hide from the police. They are

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