The Other Side of Beauty

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The Other Side of Beauty Beauty contests were great places for young women to display their many beauties; beauty of mind, talent, and physical presence. But over the years, it has changed just like other parts of society, they became more about the looks of each contestant. Their dresses get tighter and swimsuits get smaller and more reveling. Beauty contests are harmful to women because they treat them as objects, and women learn that beauty is more important than being intelligent. Beauty contests assign worth to women by parading them around on stage in bathing suits and asking them trivial questions that a child could often answer. I don't believe this is natural, and I don’t believe it’s right. A woman should get her worth by her accomplishments in her daily life, not by parading herself on stage for judges who barely know the women involved in the contest or what they do away from the stage. They cause many women to judge their outer appearances in a very critical manner, making them vulnerable to self esteem issues. Being the perfect size “0” many women develop eating disorders, over exercising, and go on crash diets. They become obsessed with the way they look, they can’t have a hair out of place, and must have a perfect smile and face. The only contestant that ends up feeling beautiful at the end is the winner. So all the hard work and obsessing causes damage to the body and mind of every other contestant. Beauty contests force women to conform to standards of beauty that few are able to reach. These events also celebrate women for only their physical appearance, completely ignoring the fact that they are people with feelings. Beauty contests lead to the judging of women and promote the idea that a woman's only attribute is her appearance and not her intelligence and other personality factors. I strongly believe that these types of

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