A Rhetorical Analysis on Media's Influence on the Ideal Body Image

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A Rhetorical Analysis on Media’s Influence on the Ideal Body Image Everywhere we look media seems to be portraying body images that lack what used to be known as “sexy curves” and possess more bone than anything else. Whether it be an advertisement in magazines or reality shows such as America’s Next Top Model on television, word has traveled that the thinner you are the better. The roles that obese characters play in movies or on television are negative more often than not. They are viewed as unsuccessful, lacking friends, family, and love. The slender, “beautiful” women are regarded as influential, successful, and erotic. This being said, it is very much so based on facts and reason, also known as logos, in the aspect that real life is often viewed this way. Throughout Elementary school up to High school, no one wanted to be best friends with “the fat kid”. As the world already knows, girls and women in general seem to stress over their physical appearance and have been especially concerned about weight for many years now. The emotional effect media has on a woman’s mindset, or ethos, could very well send her overboard into what is commonly known as an eating disorder. The bar is already set extremely high for young girls these days. It can be as simple as a gorgeous movie star wearing your favorite brand of clothing. Now all that runs through your mind while in the fitting room is how much better the clothes looked on that tall, lean body of your idol because it’s someone you look up to and trust. The world is continuously comparing themselves to figures from the media that they forget who they even are. Jeanna Bryner states in an article that even preschoolers as young as three years old have become emotionally devoted to being skinny and that they will not even play games that contain pieces with fat images. (Bryner) This isn’t at all hard to believe

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