The Negative Effects of Bullying

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The Negative Effects of Bullying Have you ever heard the Golden Rule, "Treat others the way you want to be treated"? We probably expect everyone to want to follow that rule; however, bullies do not. Bullies change their victims' lives drastically. They cause many issues for their victims, such as health problems, very low self esteem, and social issues. The aftermath of bullying results in many potentially fatal health concerns for the victims of the harassment. Ninety percent of students who have been bullied have shown symptoms of depression. Depression is a big deal, it leaves the person feeling empty, sad, and irritable most of the time. However, depression is not the only issue. Post traumatic stress can also come with bullying. Post traumatic stress disorder (also known as PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that makes people want to keep to themselves, and live in constant fear. Seventy percent of the time post traumatic stress disorder is caused by a traumatic experience, such as bullying. Among the other potential health problems, are suicidal thoughts. In some cases, the person being bullied feels there is no escape from the bully, so it leads to suicide. The bullies make the victim feel so worthless and feel so bad about themselves that they don't even want to deal with the pain, so they choose to end it all. With health complications also come self-esteem problems. The harmful words and actions from the bully lead to the victim feeling as if they are never worthy of anybody else's time. The victim starts to distance themselves from friends, assuming they are not good enough. Also, when victimized the bullied develops insecurities. The perception of themselves is significantly lowered. When a person is bullied for being overweight he may start to hate his "pudginess" along with his other qualities. Low confidence is evident in 75%
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