Bullies can be anywhere, but there's no place they show up more than in schools (John Cloud, “When Bullying Turns Deadly”). Some students are so terrified of being bullied that they will not attend school. It is estimated that 160,000 children miss school every day due to the fear of being bullied (National Education Association). That is a lot of students missing school, missing out on their education just because people want to be mean and bully them; don’t you think? Sometimes it doesn’t occur to us that we are being bullies.
Those who fail to recognize and stop bullying behavior as it occurs, actually promote violence. Bullying is a form of abuse, harassment and abuse are more accurate names for it. Parents and school workers should considerer bullying as a serious and harmful act to both the perpetrators and the victims, and are responsible for behavioral and emotional difficulties, long-term negative outcomes, and violence. Bullying is where a child or group of children keep taking advantage of the power they have to hurt or reject someone else. Some of the ways children bully others include: calling them names, or saying or writing nasty comments about
BULLYING IN CLARCK COUNTY SCHOOLS KAYEBIS K. SANTIAGO-GORDON COMM/215 March 8, 2012 Michael C. Gregory End Bullying in Clark County Schools Although some people who witness bullying have their reasons for not getting involved, bullying in Clark county schools needs to be stopped because bullies, as well as their victims, can experience psychological distress that may have negative life changing results and in some cases end tragically for all involved. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a bully as “archaic” and “a bluster browbeating person; especially: one who is habitually cruel to others who are weaker.” On a daily basis, victims of bullying are subjected to being abused; both physically and verbally. An article in Time magazine states that "The U.S. Department of Justice has reported that 37% of students don't feel safe at school because of bullying"(Cloud, 2012, Para. 8). While the constant abuse by a bully is humiliating and painful for the victim, they are not the only ones being affected.
For example, an individual can become depressed after witnessing domestic violence within their own home and is afraid that the domestic violence will happen to them personally if they tell someone. I know someone who has been affected directly and indirectly from domestic violence from both parents and his former wife. Due to the domestic violence he has bouts of depression, social anxiety and panic attacks. The Acquisitive typology is someone who often will see students bullying other students to receive popularity. The students being bullied become afraid of the bully and will try and become friends with the bully in order to keep from being bullied anymore.
Psychological and social problems can make one resolve to bullying. A child being raised by violent parents can end up being a bully. A victim of bullying can also retaliate by bullying other people to get the satisfaction of ‘revenge’. Persons undergoing depression, anxiety
Organisations at, or through, which bullying occurs have responsibilities to address and prevent bullying. In addition to the significant harm that cyber bullying can have, not addressing incidents of bullying could expose organizations to risks of claims for compensation. The effects bullying on the victim The bully can be spreading information on the Internet for anyone to see and that can affect someone's social life, especially how other kids at school view them. It can also affect the person academically because their lack of confidence will prevent them from contributing and asking questions in class. Cyber bullying is when a person harasses or repeatedly threatens a person electronically through email, instant messengers, blogging, text messages and Web Sites dedicated to humiliating another child.
It generally leads to suicide, even if that is not what was intended. Why people, especially young people, have given for self-harming? The causes are various and can be linked to bullying or discrimination, loosing someone close such as a parent, a brother or sister, or a friend; a repetitive neglect or abuse from the parents, and a serious illness that affects the way somebody feels about him or herself. People who self-harm have most of time had very difficult and painful experiences or relationships. When the level of emotional pressure becomes too high, punishing oneself as a form of communicating the unhappiness can make someone fell alive when feeling dead inside or when it’s too difficult to talk to anyone.
Many young children and adolescents in American schools are robbed of their prospect to learn because they are bullied and abused daily. Bullying can leave scars that can last for a life time. Although there have been volumes of research, numerous anti-bullying programs and a lot of media coverage, bullying continues to infiltrate our schools. The advancement of technology which is an open line of communication has expanded the chances for bullying to a degree that demands more innovative and immediate response. Three articles have been chosen that covers a range of thought on bullying causes, prevention, and interventions.
), and psychological (social exclusion, extortion, coercion, and rumor-spreading). (Wilson, 2006) In today’s world there are many ways besides at school and the work place that people are bullied. The use of technology has increased the ways people can be bullied. Bullying can also occur through the use of cell phones, computer use through e-mail, blogs or chat rooms. The warning signs of bullying should not be ignored, therefore it is important to truly understand the affects that bullying holds on children.
Bullying Bullying is a way to intimidate someone or a way to make someone do what they want a person to do. Bullying is a form of abuse that can be emotional or physical. Victims of bullying usually lose interest in their school work and become depressed and eventually either drop out or commit suicide. People are bullied because of their race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, or sexual orientation. According to statistics about one fourth of all students from elementary through high school are victims of bullying.