The Most Dangerous Game Ending Analysis

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The Most Dangerous Game ~ The Alternate Ending… To some, the ending of this story seems a bit abrupt. Your task is to continue the author’s writing, ideally in the author’s style, filling in the missing parts of the story as indicated blow…. …the general sucked in his breath and smiled. “I congratulate you,” he said. “You have won the game.” Rainsford did not smile. “I am still a beast at bay,” he said in a low hoarse voice. “Get ready, General Zaroff.” The General made one of his deepest bows. “I see,” he said. “Splendid! One of us is to furnish a repast for the hounds. The other will sleep on this very excellent bed. On guard, Rainsford!”… Rainsford stared at the General with a cold pair of eyes and said, “get on with the…show more content…
A few seconds later an alarm went off, another ship was attacked by the razor edges crouch of the giant rocks. Rainsford had no idea what the alarm is or where it came from. He took his eyes off of the General slightly just for a second, and searched for the mysterious noise. Before he realized, the General was pointing his pistol directly at him, “the beast shall never take its eyes of the hunter,” informed the General. Rainsford froze as he realizes there was no time to doge the shot of the general. He closed his eyes and waited, he wondered what it feels like with a bullet digging inside his body until he is finished to the last moment. A few seconds later, Rainsford opened his eyes and noticed the General throwing out his pistol to the ground below. “Consider yourself lucky,” said the General. “I forgot to load the pistol.” “Attending in a battle without any weapons is just like a hunter who does not know how to hunt,” Rainsford said. “I’m afraid you’re wrong my friend, with out a pistol is like without the ability to see, because you see. A hunter does not haunt with only one weapon,” the General told Rainsford as he draws for his hunting
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