The Memory Keeper's Daughter

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1986 Some works of literature use the element of time in a distinct way. The chronological sequence of events may be altered, or time may be suspended or accelerated. Choose a novel, an epic, or a play of recognized literary merit and show how the author’s manipulation of time contributes to the effectiveness of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot. In Kim Edwards’ The Memory Keeper’s Daughter, the use of time is used adequately to demonstrate the harsh reality that one wrong decision can affect one’s life forever. Through chronological order, by years, we see the painful yet remarkable scars left upon David Henry along with his entire family, due to one stupid decision, that in actuality was meant for a better cause. David must deal with these consequences for a long twenty-five years, which are slowly portrayed through this book. The story begins its chronological sequence during the March of 1964. Doctor David Henry’s wife Norah suddenly goes into labor on a treacherous stormy night, forcing him to deliver their child at a clinic rather than a hospital. (11.) After their son Paul is born, another baby is surprisingly being born. This baby, a girl, is born with Down syndrome. David is now forced with the decision to keep this child and raise it, although society at that time encouraged “defected” children to be institutionalized, or to give his daughter up in hopes of a better life. He decides to give her away, along with keeping it a secret from the rest of his family, as he states “There’s a place. I’d like you to take her there.” He also gives what he thinks is logical reasoning for his decision, stating “Don’t you see? This poor child will most likely have a serious heart defect. A fatal one. I’m trying to spare us all a terrible grief.” (18.) From this point on, David’s life will forever be affected by this one decision.

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