The Lion and the Jewel-Analysis of Lakunle's Speech

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In the play, The Lion and The Jewel we are introduced to a small village in which we are beginning to see civilization creeping in, very gradually however surely. The character Lakunle, accepts all things of the western civilization and modernity without truly understanding these concepts and in his speech to Sadiku we are given a clear insight into what Lakunle believes are things associated with the development of a community. In order for societal progress to occur there must be some sort of direct human action. Lakunle believes that removal of the bride price, the building of roads and factories will allow Ilujinle to take its place on the map as a well-developed and advanced society. The removal of the bride price is indeed justified by Lakunle as he claims that women should not stand behind their husbands but rather take their place next to them “Bride price will be a thing forgotten and wives will take their place by men.” Sexism is indeed a hindrance to a society’s development as progress depends on everyone having equal rights and opportunities, judgement of a person should be based on an individual’s merits and not their sex. Factories which are also play a key role in the development of a country and are indispensable as it accelerates the process of industrialization. Industrialization also brings capital to a nation and enables the population to easily locate jobs. Apart from employment industrialization brings with it its modern conveniences such as technical advancements, medical accomplishments and educational facilities. Another advantage of industrialization is urbanization which would now encourage individuals to live closer together as opposed to living great distances from each other. Finally the developments in infrastructure are also great as there will now be a greater amount of railways, canals and roads being built. Lakunle
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