The Lesser Sex: Treatment of Women in the Middle Ages

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The Lesser Sex: Treatment of Women in the Middle Ages The history of the middle ages is generally known through the recorded accomplishments of wealthy aristocratic men so we don’t often here the point of view of women, nor do we hear much about them. Women were for the most part, referred to and seen as property rather than separate human beings. Women were valued in the Middle Ages, but only as an economic commodity; they served two main functions within the medieval society: child bearer and manual laborer. The only women who were ever discussed are those of nobility and those who served them. I can’t recall many stories where they speak of women in any other way The medieval structure of fellowship society prevented women from claiming ownership to public authority. When they become a wife, she gave all her land to her husband, leaving a power in him and decreasing her power. Women were supposed to be submissive to their husbands and obey them, neglecting their own needs and desire to promote those of their husbands. In the Middle Ages public opinion and court system were under the control of the Church and aristocratic men who both agreed that a woman was to be like a servant to their husband and if they were single they had to obey their king, father, brother, or son, etc. The Church felt this way because they blame Eve for the failure of mankind and viewed all women to be an advocate of the devil. (Hollister) Women were allowed to work, but they were definitely not equal in the work force because they represented a large source of cheap labor in that time period; the same can be said for today with the exception of minimum wage. Most writings of the Arthurian period were about the king and his knights’ triumphant battles. Women were minor characters, if they were included at all. They were not mentioned except at the end of a battle, when the
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