The Influence Of Electronic Books On Book Distribu

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Running head: THE INFLUENCE OF ELECTRONIC BOOKS ON BOOK DISTRIBUTION The influence of electronic books on book distribution Turtgin Roman Northenr Illinois University In today's world, more people talk about the advantages of electronic books over printed versions. The topic occurs almost in every country, that people started to prefer electronic devices to printed books. Everyone knows what books are, and many people read books all the time during their daily lives and it is tough to imagine life without them, because books are one of the most important sorces of information for people. However, there is another source of information, which is the Internet. The Internet plays a role in electronic books because customers can buy,download, and upload electronic books through the use of the Internet. There are many types of electronic books: Everbook,, NuvoMedia, SoftBook Press, Apple PowerBook, Glassbook, Everybook and many others. Electronic books offer many advantages over traditional printed books. Four of these advantages will be included in this paper: the fast delivery of the text, personal editions for publishers, ease of annotation for the authors, and economic gain of electronic books. Electronic books can offer their customers many features and make it easier for the readers to enjoy their favorite hobby that cannot be possible through printed versions. Some question why electronic books became popular now when they could have become popular ten years ago since almost everyone had a computer and the Internet back then. The reason is that special e-ink is used in electronic books. Unlike all other screens, the e-ink display is not a source of light and instead reflects light, just as paper does. Thus, the received image appears almost the same as contrast and pleasant to the eye, as well as the printing text on page of the paper
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