The Indsutrial Revolution Lead to Sexual Revolution

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Industrial revolution was a period of a lot of changes. one of those changes was sexuality. Edward shorter state that industrial revolution was the gate of sexual revolution. on the other hand Louise A. argue that the industrial revolution did not have an effect in woman's sexual views. he wrote that woman only worked to make money not for personal freedom. after studying the era of industrial revolution in class and reading the two different points of view whether or not did the industrial revolution lead to a sexual revolution y totally agree with Edward shorter.employment opportunity impact woman's life economically, psychologically and socially. due to this woman had more freedom and a new perspective of sexuality. from edward shorter poin of view, the view about how woman being independent economically due to the industrial revolution led to a sexual revolution can be proven in several ways. it is a fact that illegitimacy rate period coincides with the period of industrialization. shorter state that earning they own money gave these workers to live independently .with the industrial revolution woman wanted to make money and be independent, so they move to the city to work in the factories. he argue that young woman declared their independence from family control, struck out in pursuit of personal freedom. (1) with the industrial revolution woman wanted a job that gave her personal freedom. this mentality change and comportment in woman was due to the capitalism. the large amount of people living together in the same community they were working. with the increase of the population in the cities the subculture set rules for sexual comportment by target family size and new techniques for contraception and abortion. the need of indepence and livelihood by her self was one of the reason of the sexual revolution. on the other hand, louise A. states that

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