Rosie And The Propaganda Analysis

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20th Century American History 12 August 2014 Rosie and the Propaganda This particular documentary is probably one of the best films that really shows the home front during World War II and women in particular endured during it. What really sparked my interest however was the use of propaganda during these times, and how it evolved from the beginning of the war up until when the war was over. Propaganda itself was used in a way to motivate the American people during the war to up their efforts to helping the cause and even at some points to guilt trip people into thinking they were not doing enough. Women in particular were used as a primary target of this into taking over for men in factories and other jobs while the men were fighting the…show more content…
This period of time though was necessary to spark later movements for women’s rights. They learned of the freedom and independence they could have if they were to do things for themselves rather than doing what they were told to do with their lives. Just from seeing that production levels rose despite millions of men being called into the war proved that women could do as good of a job as men in these factories. Having black women in these jobs as well was a major step forward in the United States. The downside is that the economy could not sustain having jobs available for both these men and women once the men arrived back home from the war. The view on women at this time made sure to put these women back were most believed they should be, which was at home, working as a waitress, or some type of cleaning…show more content…
This is a type of history that is not normally told but needs to be. Without this point in time, women’s rights may have taken even longer until it finally got the spark it needed. This period of history and these women provided that spark. This was much more than just an average documentary being told about these times. This was real life accounts of the women who went through it, which goes a long way with showing what these times were really like during this point in history. If this film was just a narrator telling the audience what occurred during these times, it would be just like many other history documentaries that are made. Showing what these wartime women went through with excitement, humor, and sadness all in one made it that much more great. Seeing these women overcome all that was put against them made you want to rally behind
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