The Importance of Positivity Early in Childhood

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The Importance of Positivity Early in Childhood What is positivity? Ram Dass captures the essence of positivity saying, “Consciousness = energy = love = awareness = light = wisdom = truth = purity. It’s all the SAME. Any trip you want to take leads to the SAME place” (qtd. in Nelson XI). So, on this journey called life, it is safe to assume that if put into practice, these things will make our trip a more productive and positive one. That being said, I believe, above all, love is the most valuable emotion you can give to a child. It is necessary for the development of positive behavior. Additionally and just as important, there needs to be some form of discipline as a guide to making good choices. Furthermore, it is imperative to teach children how to respect themselves and others so that they will be able to see the value of every human being. Love, discipline, and respect are the basic fundamentals for teaching our children the positive aspects of life. This will enable them to build the self-confidence needed from childhood to adulthood allowing them to excel in school, have long lasting relationships, and over all good health, thus living fulfilling lives. Unquestionably, as adults, it is our responsibility to make sure our children grow up to become successful adults themselves. The most important asset we have to use in this endeavor is love. Generally speaking there are many ways to express love to a child. To begin with, say “I love you”. Those three little words a have major impact on children, so tell them every chance you get. As a result, when they have a bad day at school, lose something that is important them, or just can’t understand why they have to eat brussel sprouts, they will be able to communicate their concerns in a positive way. Equally important, is showing them love; for instance, hugging, cuddling, leaving notes in creative places,
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