The Holocaust: The Consequences Of Adolf Hitler

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The Holocaust The year was 1939; most of the world was just climbing out of the Great Depression and looking forward to a better decade ahead. Little did anyone realize the consequences of Adolf Hitler’s power he had gained within the German government and people, or the devastating world crisis that would result from it. Hitler was elected into power, he did not force his way in. Once he gained power in 1932, he convinced many Germans that a citizen’s sole reason for existence was to serve the state. He also blamed Germany’s difficulties on the Jews but did not tell the people his true intention was to exterminate them. Thus he created an atmosphere of hatred in Germany that later would be proven by his draconian measures towards the Jews. The first real brutal attack against the Jews came in June 1934, when Hitler had about 1,000 people murdered in the Night of the Long Knives. He then introduced the Nuremburg Laws which were as follows: all Jews had to wear the Star of David, they lost their professional careers and property, Jews could not mingle with the German population, and ultimately the Jews lost their citizenship. These laws passed without any resistance and should have been a sign to the world of things to…show more content…
Many of the Jews tried to flee Germany during these years but were not accepted because of anti-Semitic feelings among their own populations. Even Canada had a chance to make a mark in history when the ocean liner, St. Louis, filled with Jewish refugees was turned away from Cuba, then Florida and finally arrived in Canada. The Canadian government determined that Jewish refugees would not make good settlers and it was then forced to return to Europe and eventually to Nazi concentration camps. This shows the degree to which the world viewed the Jews and the extent to which no one knew what was actually happening in Germany at the
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