The Heroism of Brother Andrew

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The Heroism of Brother Andrew van der Bijl February 16, 2012 The dictionary defines a hero as a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal. Many people, both historic figures and living persons, have heroic qualities that I admire. But there is one that stands out to me above all others, and that is a man named Andrew van der Bijl. He is better known simply as Brother Andrew. He is still living, but he is currently 83 years old. While he may not be so famous that any random person on the street would know him, he is well-known among Christians for the way he has followed God’s great commission of spreading the gospel and accomplished what seemed to be impossible. Brother Andrew is my hero and one of the greatest Christian heroes of the twentieth century, demonstrating bravery in the face of imprisonment behind the iron curtain, obedience to God’s calling on his life to smuggle bibles into Communist countries during the cold war, and complete faith in God’s ability to perform miracles to accomplish distributing Bibles and spreading the gospel to areas of the world where Christianity is forbidden. Brother Andrew was born in the Netherlands in 1928 (Brother Andrew). He grew to adulthood without being a Christian, although his mother was a devout Christian. It wasn’t until he was nearly killed in the Dutch East Indies rebellion that he opened the Bible his mother had given him when he enlisted in the military. He only read it because there was nothing else to read while he was recovering in the military hospital. That is when he saw new meaning in what he had heard in church when he was growing up, and it suddenly made sense to him. He repented and promised to make Jesus the Lord of his life. He took his promise to God very seriously, and that is the beginning of how

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