The Fauves Reflection and Evaluation

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Drawing Fauve style was a new experience, and it allowed me to let go and put all my emotions into the painting, rather than make everything perfect. There were many steps in our big project, and the first step on painting our fauve portrait was to get the proportions right (making sure our eyes were big enough and spaced out enough, looking where our hair starts, how thick our neck should be, how long our nose should be). So we started to do some realistic drawing and sketching to improve our skills. We first sketched with a lead pencil and drew a rough portrait of a person with perfect proportions. Then, we drew another one, but this time it was a self-portrait and we used a mirror to aid us in drawing ourselves. We used a lead pencil to shade and colour ourselves. We also saw a brief documentary about the Fauves so we knew more about them, how they painted and who was part of the Fauves movement and. Then we learnt how to enlarge images using a grid – we drew a grid over a photograph of ourselves and we drew the same grid, only on a larger scale (A3 piece of paper). Then, using our gridded-up photograph as a reference, we drew ourselves with pencil. This was to help and prepare us for drawing on a larger scale for the real thing. The third step of this project was to learn how to use colour. We first did a colour sample sheet, and we mixed our primary colours to create secondary and tertiary colours. Then we coloured in balls and faces with acrylic paint for practice and also to develop our understanding of colour and shading and also the use of warm and cool colours. After doing that we then drew a portrait of our friend in oil pastels. After that we did our ‘draft’ or practice painting, in preparation for the real one. Using acrylic paints again, and a mirror we did a scaled down version of our real piece. We had to incorporate all of our knowledge and skills
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