The Drunken Face: The Evergreen State College

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Finding My Voice Growing up, I was always told how important it was to write well and express your feelings, hopes, and dreams. I enjoyed writing in grade school, being creative, and making up stories. I remember one of my stories was about being a mega business woman, owning lots of boutique shops and having enough money to build a house for everyone in my family (mother, sisters, aunts and cousins), so we all could live close to one another. When I was younger; my father would let me go on some of the buying trips, and select things to sell in the boutique. This opened the door for a plethora of stories; not only did I write about the experiences I had, I was able to incorporate these experiences into my fantasy of being a mega business…show more content…
Writing this poem allowed me to look back into those past experiences and let go. I can honestly say that until writing this paper, I was allowing my past experiences hold me emotionally hostage. When I graduated from Highline Community College and decided to attend The Evergreen State College, little did I realize how impactful this college would be; affecting my desire to express my thoughts and views about the world. The Evergreen State College opened the door to writing; a door that had been closed for a very long time. Although I hadn’t yet become comfortable writing about my past during the first few quarters of school, I enjoyed writing for academic growth. I enjoyed analyzing and debating the issues, reflecting on books we had read, or just journaling my thoughts about the day. It wasn’t until my second year at Evergreen that I was able to revisit some of my past experiences and childhood memories by writing a required memoir for one of my classes. This process was very difficult, and I found myself re-writing over and over again. The experience, although very painful has sparked a desire in me to tell my life

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