The Cove Essay

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The Cove The first word that poped out of my mind after I saw the movie “The Cove” is “Wow”. In the film, Ric O’s Barry which was a dolphin trainer, he figured out that dolphins are such intelligent creatures, they shouldn’t be captive and fill humans’ happiness, and they belong where they came from, the ocean. In Japan, Taiji, 23,000 dolphins are being slaughters each year in the cove, it really harms the dolphins population, and nobody knows this is happening, not even the Japanese people. The Japanese government knew what was going on, they wanted money, they hid the facts, and they feed their kids with meats full of toxins. Should dolphins be living in a stressful life because of our human’s selfishness? Because they are animals or can’t talk, will be suffered? Each year, 23,000 dolphins are being slaughtered in Taiji, and it is very inhumane. The fish men lure the dolphins by using boat to the cove, then they drop nets to block cove to prevent dolphins to escape, after the next morning, the slaughter begins. They use sharp spears to stab them, if stabbing one time is not enough, twice or three times until it is dead, just imagine how the baby dolphins feel when they see their parents being killed. O’s Barry went the cove with the crew members, they saw the way that the fish men slaughtered the dolphin, it really hurt their feelings and also gave them more reasons to help the dolphins after that day. There was a scene I watched in the film that really touches me, when the dolphins slaughter was taking action, one of the crew member saw a dolphin tried to run away, she said, “I saw a poor dolphin tried to escape, it was swimming towards them, bloods were coming out of the dolphin every time when it tried to come up in water, and u can see the last couple of breaths it took, and it went down, you never saw it again”. I really feel it, I thought I was

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