The Color Purple Analysis Letter To The Author

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Kayla McKenzie College Prep English December 15, 2011 Mrs. Layne Wilson Dear Ms. Alice Walker, Your book, “The Color Purple,” is a really good book that I enjoyed reading. I like how you told a story of events that happened to a lot of black women in this era. People need to know the history of how they were treated and what people did to stop it. I like the way you made the theme of the book be a motivation to others that may be going through exactly what Celie and other women who were abused by evil men. This story is very liberating to young woman to have the courage to stand up for their selves. They may thing that they cannot outdo a man but this story showed that with good friends to help you along the way and the courage within yourself, you can conquer any task at hand no matter how hard it seems to be. Your story is told in the first-person form because of the letters. The first half of the book is told completely from Celie’s point of view. The second part of the book is told in letters between Nettie and Celie. Celie’s point of view is particularly interested. Unlike Nettie, Celie is an uneducated woman, having been forced to drop out of school around the age of fourteen when she became pregnant by her Pa. Her lack of education is apparent from her poor spelling and grammar. Nettie, however, is educated. Her spelling and grammar are correct. However, it isn’t only Nettie that has an interesting story to tell. Despite Celie’s poor educational background, Celie tells a strong story. “The Color Purple” is written in a very different way than most novels are. You expressed the dialect of the region and makes your visualize Celie well. It is written as letters to God, that explain in the shortest of ways the things that happened Celie. Your word choice is a little hard to understand because of the grammar and spelling. These emphasize the point
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