WW1 did little in stopping the rising tide of segregation. In the aftermath of the civil war a Freedmen’s bureau was set up to start schools and help black people find work. However some schools were burnt down and students beaten up. And a 17 year old black teacher was killed in Tennessee for starting a school. Yet by 1870 21% of freed slaves were able to read and write.
1. (Event) Emancipation Proclamation (Date) January 1863 (Description) 13th Amendment to the Constitution that freed all slaves which was directed only to the states that seceded from the Union. (Significance) 2. (Event) Lincoln’s 10% Plan (Date) 1863 (Description) Decreed that a state could be reintegrated into the Union when 10 percent of the 1860 vote count from that state had taken an oath of allegiance to the U.S. and pledged to abide by emancipation. (Significance) 3.
The American Civil war To what extent was the American Civil War effective? Melissa Horacek – Year Eleven Modern History Melissa Horacek – Year Eleven Modern History The Civil War, is a war between civilians, began due to the fear of the abolishment of slavery. Its purpose for the South was to continue slavery, while the North fought for the abolishment of slavery. When the United States was established by colonists and a constitution was created, the constitution did not abolish slavery, but incorporated compromises made by the men who crafted it. Some, especially Northerners who didn’t really adopt slavery had little slaves living there, apposed slavery, they were referred to as Abolitionists.
This meant that the American workers left their jobs to join the army, which created many job opportunities for black Americans, which were needed especially in the defence industries, which now grew in importance as they had to make supplies for the Army such as guns and tanks. This resulted in a big movement of 6 million black southerners to Northern cities between 1910-1970, such as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Detroit, which then became known as the Great Migration. However, Blacks were given the worst pay. Secondly, the Black Civil Rights organizations grew in membership after the great flow of Black Americans into the Northern cities. The organization of NAACP grew from 50,000 to 450,000 by the end of the war.
The twenty five remaining other states, in which slavery had been recently abolished, became known as the Union. The American Civil War started in 1861 and continued through 1864, finally ending in 1865. After four years of bloody, devastating warfare the Confederacy surrendered and slavery was outlawed everywhere in the nation. During the Civil War, the Union was led by recently elected President Abraham Lincoln and the Confederacy was led Jefferson Davis. In retrospect, there are multiple reasons for the South’s loss or for the North’s victory.
This allowed many Black Americans to get jobs and played a major role in the country’s war effort. As a result of the boom, the number of unemployed black Americans fell from 937,000 to 152,000. 48% of the black population was urban at the end of the war and jobs in the cities paid more than those in the country allowing Black Americans to be paid more than ever before. This shows an improvement of the position of Black Americans in society. Voting rights were also improved during this time period.
The slaves were free, but all Southerners, black and white alike, had to make a whole new start. The Civil War wasted men and resources on a vast scale. The attempts that have been made to calculate the cost will seem both cold- blooded and artificial, but we need some figures to answer important questions about the war and subsequent economic development. Approximately 600,000 died on both sides, 9 percent of the male population age 15– 39 as reported in the 1860 census. The official numbers for the Union forces are that 140,000 troops died in battle, and an-other 224,000 died of other causes— 16.5 percent of the total men in uniform.
What is slavery? According to the dictionary, slavery is deprived of their personal freedom and compelled to provide their labor or services. Some people think that there are no more slaves in the world and slavery is over. But I think slavery is not a dead issue because there are about two hundred thousands slaves in the United States and about seven millions slaves around the world. In some poor countries, numbers of slaves are increasing day by day.
In the early 1800s, when plantation owners left almost all other crops in favour of the newly profitable cotton. To increase cotton production planters purchased more slaves from Africa and the West Indies before the slave trade was banned in 1808. Thousands of blacks were brought into the United States during these years to tend to cotton fields, the size of plantations increased from relatively small plots to huge farms with as many as several hundred slaves each. Because the entire Southern economy became dependent on cotton, it also became dependent on slavery. Although Northern factories certainly benefited indirectly from slavery, Northern social customs were not tied to slavery as Southern customs were.
During this time cotton was in huge demand from Europe, the south started to grow it eventually becoming south’s dominant crop; however there were two major problems, it took lots of labor and time and it had seeds in it. Eli Whitney though, designed and built the 1st Cotton Gin. The cotton gin was such a break through in this time because it was a machine that cleaned the cotton taking the seeds out of it, you only needed one person to work it, and it could do the job of 50 hand cleaners at once. That saved farmers in money to buy slaves, and time, need for each little piece of cotton to be cleaned so much more cotton could be produced in one day. There was one drawback to this though.