The Cause Of Great Britain In The Industrial Revolution

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1. Explain how Great Britain took such a commanding lead in the Industrial Revolution. Great Britain was the first country in Europe to begin the process of Industrialization, thus Britain had a lead over the rest of the European nations. Factors contributing to Great Britain's lead were political stability achieved after Glorious Revolution of 1688, availability of coal and iron as natural resources, an expanding population attributed to lower death rate caused by a better diet and more reproduction, the first national banking system in Europe that had plenty of money to invest with low interest rates, and a relative tolerance towards religious minorities like Quakers. 2. What factors contributed to the tremendous economic growth…show more content…
Maybe one of the most important was the improvement of our nation’s railroads and communications network. This development permitted the abundant agricultural and mineral resources of the western parts of the country to be brought into profitable production. The Industrial Revolution of the period did increase the number of urban jobs and encouraged rural residents to move to urban centers for work and an improved standard of living. Technological innovations in transportation and construction contributed to urban migration, allowing urban residents to live further from their jobs than walking distance. Such technology led to suburbs with groups living in neighborhoods of similar social status. The boundaries of the cities expanded as retail operations occupied downtown areas and industrial operations located along waterways. An increase in resources, new inventions, capital investments, and automation of materials drastically shifted the nonagricultural economy. Problems generated by the economic growth were mostly related to having resources spread too thin, such as lawlessness. Overcrowded urban areas where immigrants lived were notorious for crime. 3. The Industrial Revolution forced many cultures to confront growing European power. Japan, Russia and the Ottoman Empire all dealt with industrialization with varying levels…show more content…
European nation-states had become very powerful because of industrialization and because of the organizational efficiency of the nation-state. European global expansion had actually begun in the fifteenth century, but the process greatly accelerated in the nineteenth century. Slavery took a heavy toll on African development ever since the 16th century. Millions of young people of working age were taken away. Great conflict ensued. Asia's population was too great, its civilization too firmly established for Europeans to rule it directly. The Europeans did establish control over seaports and trade. In places like India and Indonesia, Europeans ruled indirectly through their domination of the local aristocracy. England was the leading European colonial power and had already established much of its overseas empire by the beginning of the 19th century. France was second, with its holdings in Southeast Asia and in North Africa, both of these being established during the 19th century. Portugal, Spain and Holland retained some colonies because they had been the earliest colonial powers, and still retained some of them in the 19th century. Germany and Italy were late arrivals on the colonial scene because they had only unified themselves in the 1860's. The United States became a colonial power at the end of the 19th century, after having

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