The Affects Technology Holds on Sleeping Patterns

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Have you ever walked into a room expecting to find your child and instead finding an emotionless robot with eyes fixed to the computer screen, fingers of one hand tapping away at the keys of a mobile phone, the other hand attached to the remote of a game console and earphones wedged tightly in their ears? If you are a parent of a teenager then the answer to this question would be “Definitely!” Most people write this off as “teenagers will be teenagers” but shutting themselves in the dark, surrounded by artificial light and periodically making whirring sounds should not be normal teenage behavior. Teenagers being addicted to technology can greatly affect every aspect of their lives such as social skills, studies and most of all their sleep. On average teenagers need about eight and a half to nine hours of sleep each night but from studies that have been conducted through this investigation teenagers are getting between 4 to 8 hours sleep a night, which is less than the recommended. This can affect their lives vastly because sleep affects everything you do. Scientists have directly related teenagers average sleep to how well they do in school, how well they build relationships and how they feel in general. Sleep also locks in information and memories from the previous day. So if teenagers aren’t getting enough sleep, the information and memories will not be stored properly which puts their learning at risk if they are not able to fully remember information that was taught in previous days. Our bodies run on an internal clock, which is known, in scientific terms as a circadian rhythm. This originally told us when it was time to sleep and wake but over time artificial light has interrupted that clock and we no longer run on ‘its schedule’. This is especially prominent in teenagers who surround themselves with technology which all emanate artificial light

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