Sleep Deprivation in Teens

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Sleep Deprivation in Teens Are Teens getting enough sleep? And if not shouldn’t people help to make sure they are indeed getting the proper amount of sleep? These questions along with many others come from the growing dilemma on sleep and teens. "Teenagers who don’t get enough sleep are kind of put into a gray cloud when they aren't having enough sleep. It affects both their mood and their ability to think and their ability to perform and react appropriately." Said Dr. Mary Carskadon the Director of Chronobiology/Sleep Research at the E.P. ( Sleep is a form of food for the brain and without it people seem to be less coherent and even make poor decisions. This is worsened in teens because the body is still growing and is demanding more time to repair and rebuild its self through sleep. Sleep is a important part of the daily life of a teenager. During Adolescence daytime sleepiness increases, Even if the total amount of night time sleep is held constant. So in other words although many teenagers get less sleep then younger children there is actually a sleep increase needed during the teenage years of one's life ( It is suggested that Teens get a healthy 8.5 - 9 hours of sleep a night as compared with eight hours needed for adults.. However Only 15 percent of teens get this required amount of shut eye. Teens also tend to have irregular sleep patterns across the week, they typically stay up late and sleep in late on the weekends, which can affect their biological clocks and hurt the quality of their sleep. A recent survey taken of 3,000 students at Providence high school showed that 85 percent of the students were not alert at the start of class because they weren’t getting enough sleep ("Are Teens Getting Enough Sleep?"). Sleep is essential for learning and memory. Therefore Students perform better in the classroom when they get a goodnight
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