That Awkward Moment When You'Re Friend Moves to Japan

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That Awkward Moment when your Friend Moves to Japan. Coming to college, I was immediately faced with many challenging classes. During these classes I have found myself looking back to a much simpler time; a time when school related stress evaporated as fast as wet footprints on the sidewalk. Summer is a time we strengthen some of the greatest friendships in our life. However, in a military town, almost every summer is bittersweet. Living 5 minutes from a base, I have experienced the positives and negatives of military life first hand. In my high school, over 60% of the students came from a military family. For the entirety of my high school life, I have seen friends come and go, moving from base to base with their family. Fortunately, keeping in touch with these friends has been very simple with the current technology. However, there was one summer and one person that really helped me understand the impact one friend can leave, and to never take a friend for granted. Waking up on that first day of summer is a feeling no one can quite put into words. For me, this meant the first summer with my drivers license, which meant I finally had the freedom to go wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Before even getting out of bed, I knew exactly where my first stop would be: my best friend Hunter’s house. Meeting in lunch detention, Hunter and I did not get along at first. He made fun of my “goody-two-shoes” reputation, and I fought back with his stoner reputation. After a group project in Spanish, however, we realized that we couldn’t have been more wrong about one another. Hunter grew up with a neglectful family, spending their time criticizing Hunter rather than looking at his accomplishments. I, on the other hand, grew up with a family that smothered me with rules and restrictions. After this eye-opening realization, Hunter and I started spending more and more time

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