Thank You For Smoking

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“Thank You For Smoking” 1. Well with the first song of the movie, “Smoke that cigarette”, we already get the sense that the movie is going to be about smoking and that it shows that there will be some strong feelings toward smoking. After listening to the song in the opening credits, I was already planning to see one side of an argument stating their feelings towards the pros of smoking cigarettes, and the other having a very strong defense to battle back with by finding many ways to express the cons of these things known as cancer sticks. At the beginning of the movie, the role of the music is clearly to set a tone of happiness, because Nick Naylor, a lobbyist extraordinaire of the tobacco industry, has basically everything going for him. His ability to turn any argument into his favor has his confidence level through the roof. But then the mood of the music is quickly turned around when Nick is kidnapped by anti-smoking thugs and is almost killed from a lethal dose of nicotine. Shortly after that, Heather Holloway, Nick’s sex partner, finishes off his Tobacco lobbyist career by putting an article out that tells the whole world about his plans. 2. During the film, Nick starts off as being a guy who puts his job as a lobbyist before everything else in his life. He is known as an absent parent of his son Joey and deep down Nick really wants to have a better relationship with him. Nick feels that taking Joey on trips and having more one on one time with him will help them grow stronger in their father son relationship. With trying to manage being a good lobbyist and trying to be the dad that his son wants him to be, Nick Naylor finally discovers that the more important job is to be there for Joey and to educate him so that he makes good choices in his life. That being said, these one on one conversations let Joey see his father for who he truly is. 3. Well
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