Texting While Driving

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TEXTING WHILE DRIVING: A DANGEROUS ACT Almost all of us have cellphones. One of the fads now is text messaging, since it is the fastest way for people to be able to communicate with each other, especially here in the Philippines, the texting capital of the world. Texting could help us a lot but it also has its disadvantages. Cell phones are troublesome while driving. When a driver keeps talking or listening to music he is not supposed to focus off the road, especially when he’s texting. One of the causes of many road accidents is using cellphones while driving. I’m one of the people who realized how important it is if you don’t text and drive and I can honestly say that I won’t text and drive,in the future. The purpose of my speech today is to persuade my audience how dangerous it is to text and drive. Texting while driving can be more dangerous than drowsy driving or drunk driving. Life is very more important than your cellphones. Besides, messages can wait. First I’m going to tell you that it can kill you and might put you or your loved ones to near death accidents and you have to live it for the rest of your life. It’s common sense not to text and drive. Many People already notice that it’s wrong but they still tend to do so because they are selfish and self- centered. They don’t care about the safety of others as well as their self. It can lose your life or someone else’s and once you do it you can’t undo what you did. You can make that mistake but you cannot change its result. A lot of people think that it’s easy, it’s safe that they can do it and think that there’s nothing wrong with
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