Terrorism Global Issue

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Global Social Issues - Terrorism Global Social Issues - Terrorism Introduction Terrorism is defined as the unlawful or threatened use of force or violence against property, organizations, societies, cultures, or governments in order to achieve a desired change. The events of September 11th 2001 sparked an entirely new discussion on the issue of terrorism here in the United States (U.S.) and abroad. Although many different nations around the world have had problems with social and politically charged terrorist groups for decades if not centuries it was not a globally focused issue. However, it took the happenings of the morning of September 11th for the world to take a good hard look at the elements of terrorism, hate and fear and where it comes from. Terrorism has affected tourism in many countries which has an effect on various people from different parts of the world to interact socially. New protocols and security have been added in government buildings, post offices and airports for security. Some people resisted and complain about the inconveniences the security measures add but it is all for the greater good and safety of the people. There are also some sociological theories that can shed light on the ideas of terrorism such as the conflict theory. Terrorism – A Global Issue “Terrorism shares many qualities with military and paramilitary groups’ actions, as well as criminal organizations and activities, constituting what is often referred to as grey-area phenomena because terrorism’s multifaceted qualities permit it to fall between the cracks of hard-and-fast identification and definition” (Lentini, 2008, para. 2). Terrorism, led by political motivation, is often dictated by who has the power or control at that time. It is not just the act of the people or groups against the government but the government against its people. State sanctioned
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