Teeth Review Sheet

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Digestive Anatomy 1. Tongue 2. Oral cavity 3. Parotid gland and submandibular gland 4. Oropharynx 5. Epiglottis 6. Esophagus 7. Stomach 8. A. Fundus B. Body C. Pyloric Antrum D. Pyloric Sphincter 9. Rugae 10. mucosa 11. Gastric pits 12. Small intestine 13. A. Jejunum B. Duodenum C. Ileum 14. Circular folds 15. A. Ileum. B. Cecum C. Ascending Colon D. Transverse Colon E. Descending Colon F. Sigmoid Colon 16. Pancreas 17. Goblet Cells 18. Gallbladder 19. Liver 20. Absorptive Cell Anatomy and Physiology of Teeth 1. Identify the highlighted tooth. Central incisor 2. Identify the function of the highlighted tooth. Cutting into food 3. Identify the…show more content…
Stops stomach acid from digesting itself 12. Responsible for most food digestion and all food absorption. 13. A. Support the absorption of carbohydrates and proteins B. accept chyme from the stomach and complete digestion C. Absorbs B12,bile salts, fluids and electrolytes and secretes enzyemes that further break down carbohydrates and proteins 14. Slow the passage of food along the intestines and increase surface for absorption 15. A. Absorbs B12,bile salts, fluids and electrolytes and secretes enzyemes that further break down carbohydrates and proteins B. Creates a space for liquids to empty into C. Move waste up and out of the body D. Absorbs water from stool E. Absorbs water from stool and stores food that will be emptied into the rectumlts F. Moves stool into rectum 16. Secretes pancreatic juice, insulin, glucagon, duodenum, and somatostatin into the bloodstream. Regulates blood sugar and completes the breakdown of protein, carbohydrates and fats 17. Responsible for the production and maintenance of the protective mucous blanket by synthesizing and secreting glycoproteins known as mucins. 18. Stores and concentrates bile 19. Filters the blood coming from the digestive tract. Detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs, secretes bile and makes
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