Teenage Crime Essay

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Discuss how far sociologists would agree that teenage criminal and deviance behaviour results from parents failing to socialise their children correctly. Sociologists would agree that teenage criminal and deviance behaviour results from parents because if young people aren’t taught right and wrong at an early age they are more likely to commit crimes which results in media press which then kind of says that it is alright to do this and more crimes are committed. Another reason why criminal and deviance behaviour is caused by parents is if your parents are criminals you are more likely to become a criminal because you look up to your parents and they teach you the right or wrong way to live your life. However there are other reasons why teenagers have criminal and deviance behaviour such as teenagers being in peer groups or gangs as they would pressure you to do something whether you wanted to or not to get into that group so that they knew you weren’t going to tell anyone what they were doing. Another reason is the child might have been born with the warrior gene which could lead to someone committing a crime but it also depends on the environment around you to whether it leads you to comit a crime or whether its just your own mind telling you to. Another reason why teenage criminal and deviance behaviour doesn’t result from their parents because it could be that they are living on their own or they don’t have enough money so they feel to stay alive they have to steal to get food or medicine as they live in a poor household or have no
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