Technology Quotient Essay

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Assessment of Technology Quotient Cynthia Peck AET 530 March 7, 2011 Assessment of Technology Quotient Technology has tremendous power to help students obtain, organize and display information. Students can use technology in the same way that business professionals do. Instructors will also reap the benefits of using technology within the classroom. There are many different professional development workshops that are delivered online via video conferencing. Email assists in fostering relationships between colleagues and allowed them to learn from each other. The internet can also be used to find material to find material to supplement lesson plans and allow people to access digital libraries to incorporate into their classroom curriculum. Learning Setting The learning setting is a classroom containing computers and an instructor who acts as a facilitator. The students will be self-directed and perform step-by-step the instructions from a textbook using computers. Since our classroom instruction is an overview of Microsoft Excel, technology plays an important role in the success of the students. Our classroom includes computers and desks for all the students involved. There will be a Smartboard available to follow along. The instructor will provide brief face-to-face lectures. The students will be self-directed. Identified Audience The identified audience is men and women ages 18 to 56. Educational backgrounds will range from high school diploma/GED to a Bachelor's degree. Some students will be familiar with spreadsheet software. The cultural and economic backgrounds are diverse. Results Technology Quotient Our program rates an adequate technology quotient in the classroom. It includes the materials within the environment used to educate individuals. We used the rating scale titled "How to . . . Assess Your Classroom
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