Tanglewood Case One

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Albertina Williams 1/18/2014 Tanglewood Case One To: Donald Penichiala, the Director of Staffing Services As we all know staffing is one the most essential function of a successful business. A company is unable to retain a functional workforce without staffing. Below is my reason on what your company, Tanglewood, should apply when choosing the accurate staff. Acquiring or develop talent: Tanglewood should acquire employees because they will need employees with high level of customer service. Employee that are willing and capable of knowing the knowledge of your product and services. Acquiring is important because if you want to abide by your mission statement you need employees who share the same beliefs. Hire yourself or outsource: Anybody is capable hiring people in my opinion. When it come Tanglewood, I strongly believe you should hire yourself. With the company having several location, each location should know exactly what type of employee it needs and how many. When you outsource they normally just place anyone in the position and sometimes overlook the right person. That’s why if you hire yourself you would decrease your turnovers rates, retain majority of your employees, and have employees that’s best fit the company. External or internal hiring: I recommended that this company imply external and internal hiring. With this company growth and continuous growth, I believe this company should of take advantage of advancing their internal employees first. Thereafter fill positions that are left with hiring external employees. Every company should offer room for advancement. Core or flexible workforce: Tanglewood should enforce a core workforce. Even though company has ups and down. You need to know for sure you have reliable full-time and/or part time permanent employees. You can’t keep waiting on temporary services that is on as needed basis.

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