Synthesis - Same-Sex Marriage

1950 Words8 Pages
The issue of same-sex marriage has been debated for a very long time. Whether we will ever reach a middle ground in which both sides can live happily is uncertain. The arguments against same-sex marriage can be seen as unreasonable and bias since much of it is not entirely true. A major argument for the opposition of same-sex marriage is that homosexual marriage negatively affects children and result in many issues children of heterosexual parents do not usually experience. Toni Meyer and Jocelyn Floyd both argue against same-sex marriage relying heavily on the fact that it will harm children today, but does same-sex marriage actually impact our society and more importantly children by doing more harm than good? Both articles being analyzed have many similarities but only pose arguments to one side and this is important because the readers are left with a simple question such as, what does the other side have to argue? Toni Meyer is the author of “Gay marriage is a social that will cause serious harm to children”. In his opinion Gay marriage is in no way beneficial for children, and relies on this argument in order to persuade his audience with the use of emotion as the topic of destroying our future generations is one many can feel emotional about. Toni also uses facts and evidence to support his claim, primarily with a study that was conducted at the University of Texas which stated “homosexual marriage will cause serious harm to children” (2). The social experiment found that “children raised by gay or lesbian parents are significantly more likely to have social and mental health problems” (2). We cannot argue the findings of the social experiment conducted by the University but Toni’s weakness with this supporting evidence is that it is only one experiment. He relies much of his supporting evidence that children are being harmed based on one experiment out of

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