Swot Analysis Of Cango

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Understanding the Market CanGo’s position in the online retailing market has been a success for a small business. Moreover, the company’s Initial Public Offering has given CanGo an opportunity for expansion into the online gaming industry. Currently, in the United States, 68.7 million households have internet access and forty-one percent of that population spends their leisure time playing video and online games. (GSAY, 2011) In fact, online gaming has now become a large segment of the gaming industry due to the increased availability of internet access to consumers and the variety of games available for different age groups. For example, the average age of online gamers are 25-44 years of age, which includes about 95 million people or more that play online games. Therefore, the online gaming industry will continue to grow as the access to broadband internet expands and the variety of games increases. In America’s gaming industry, there are about 100 companies sharing combined revenue of 11.8…show more content…
One of CanGo’s leading competitors, Amazon, was established in 1997, and its primary scope of business was to sell books on the Internet. While many top companies spend millions to market their brands, Amazon puts that money into advancing technology on its website and creating affordable shipping options for its customers (Ante, 2009). The website offers not only books, but a wide variety of products ranging from electronics to home goods. Amazon has expanded six international sites including Canada, China, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan and France and encompasses their branding strategy by stating "We're not in the book business or the music business. We're in the customer service business."(Amazon Media Room, 2010) Amazon has an effective strategy in positioning their brand and building their strategy on the assurance on customer

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