Jeff Bezos Essay

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Characteristics of Business Leadership Kenneth J. Shannon Management Concepts BUS/ 302 Strayer University Professor: Gerard Cummings May 28, 2012 Characteristics of Business Leadership In order to be an effective leader the individual cannot hesitate in creating new and unexplored paths. True leadership requires the individual to takes calculated and well informed risk. Risk that has been researched and yields positive results is not risk but opportunity. This is what separated explorers from tradition. Explorers find new ways to become successful using unexplored methods. However, the traditional methods also serve a sound purpose. In this assignment, Jeff Bezos and his leadership characteristics is the main focus. As founder of, this assignment will explore the business leader’s company, how Bezos began his company, and analyzed the top three challenges in starting Amazon. In addition, find why Jeff Bezos leadership style works and how he adapted this style to unite various cultures and business in the global market. Also, is paper will look at how effective Bezos his theory is on management, group behavior, and employee motivation. Finally, this assignment will discuss the impact that Jeff Bezos and his company has impacted the world. Primary Business and Three Major Business Challenges is the world’s largest online service retailer that sell primarily books as well as DVD’s, electronics, software, toys, sporting goods, baby items, jewelry, apparel beauty products, and gourmet food (Williamson, 2009). Founded in 1994 in Bellevue, Washington with his two business partners Nick Hanauer and Tom Alburg who invested $40,000 and $100,000 dollars respectively has turned this humble garage business into a global retail empire. In 1997, generated revenue of 15.7 million, in the same year the company went on the
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