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Unit 304 Promote Children and young peoples positive behaviour Unit 304 Promote children and young people's positive behaviour 1) Explain benefits of consistent application of rules and active promotion of positive behaviour. In order for education to proceed there has to be a good standard of behaviour. I believe that good standards of behaviour provide learners with boundaries, order, and a secure environment to achieve a good education. As education providers it is our responsibility to show learners what is expected and it is our duty under obligation to implement legislation such as the Every Child Matters framework e.g. • Be healthy • Stay Safe • Enjoy and Achieve • Make a positive contribution • Achieve Economic well being. Rules builds up trust, a common standard for children and young people and I feel it is essential for young people to learn respect for others , self-control and social interaction with others. All schools have policies and they are not stand alone as they have to relate to Local Authority and national guidelines. e.g The Children's Act 2004. The reason for these policies are to promote positive behaviour and all schools have policies on : • Behaviour • Bullying • Child Protection • Equal Opportunities As a TA it is our responsibility to find out about the role of staff, rewards and sanctions and training. To develop a harmonious learning environment appropriate rules, need to be established and enforced, behaviour plans and most importantly pupils to be involved in the process. I feel if learners understand why rules are important then there is a greater chance that they will follow these rules. Rogers 1998, 1995 ''Shared rights, shared responsibilities and shared rules'. At Parkway Primary School a lot of verbal praise is given and I have done this many
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