Supervisions and Appraisals

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Supervisions and appraisals Supervisions and appraisals are both ways of reviewing a persons role and their development but are done in very different ways. Whereas supervision is a process to motivate and encourage good practice during the work day itself an appraisal is a more formal process. It reviews the care worker’s performance and their improvement over a designated period of time. It also includes individual goals and targets, how to achieve them and how far down the path you are at achieving them. Supervisions are regular, between myself and my manager. They are designed to help improve the way I work, they offer practical and guidance and support in areas that I need to improve. After supervisions are the appraisals. They evaluate what was covered in the supervisions to make sure that improvement is occurring and to set new goals. My supervisions are taken on shift, my manager will watch how I work, how I integrate with the team of staff and with the clients in the care home and put forward any ideas on what I could do differently but also explain what I am doing well. It will also involve making sure that I fill in all the necessary paperwork such as care plans and accident forms and follow the appropriate policies. They are not formal and it feels easy during these times to ask for advise and to be supported when learning new things within the care home. The appraisals are more formal, myself and the manager will sit down and discuss everything about the job, anything from day to day tasks to staff grievances. The positive of this is that if there is anything I am unsure of I can speak in confidence and not feel embarrassed that I do not know how to do something in front of the care home clients and/or their families. It means that we work together to find which direction we would like my role to go in, and in my case it was discussed that when
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