Superfoods Essay

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Super Foods The human body requires an assortment of nutrients in order to function properly. People receive different nutrients from various foods from different food groups; however, people are now able to receive all their daily requirements of vitamins and nutrients from a single dose or serving of a food, pill, or drink. These “superfoods” have been used by people for thousands of years and are currently becoming more and more popular. Companies are marketing the health benefits of "superfoods" and, intentionally or not, creating a trend. But, are "superfoods" as healthy as companies claim them to be? Are they the immaculate source of nutrition- free from defilers which clog the passages of the heart, tear down the liver, and corrupt the body? This paper will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of "superfoods" and its foothold in the future. What are SuperFoods? Beans, blueberries, dark chocolate, and smoothies from Jamba Juice- these are a few examples of "superfoods." But, what exactly are "superfoods?" The word is neither regulated nor an official classification; it is merely a term which describes foods that are densely populated with beneficial nutrients. There is a debate concerning the term "superfoods." Many argue that "superfoods" is just a term created and pushed by companies as a marketing ploy in order to sell their products. There is also no real proof from scientific research which can support "superfoods" as the ultimate source for nutrients. There are two types of "superfoods," processed and unprocessed; this paper will be focusing on processed "superfoods." Unprocessed "superfoods" maintain their structural integrity, externally and/or internally. Fruits picked from the trees are examples of unprocessed "superfoods." Processed "superfoods" are cooked and/or processed in order to retrieve their phytonutrients

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