Super Size Me Essay

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The movie Super Size Me is an American documentary film about understanding the benefits as well as the troubles of specific eating habits. There are many dangers of eating fast food; physical and psychological effects. Morgan Spurlock, the documentary’s main character, ate nothing but McDonald’s fast food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for thirty days straight. We watched as Morgan’s weight increased drastically, his health weakened, and he began to show signs of depression. In addition, this documentary also illustrates the fast food industry’s corporate influence, the spread of obesity throughout the United States, and the lawsuit against McDonalds, on behalf of two women allegedly obese as a result of eating McDonald’s food. This movie presented many alarming facts. Obesity is a major health problem in the United States. More than sixty percent of adults are either overweight or obese. It has been said that obesity will even surpass smoking as the leading cause of preventable death in America. Children are also at risk of becoming overweight or obese. The total amount of people that eat fast food on a daily basis is a frightening, one in four Americans. McDonalds alone represents a total of forty-three percent of the total United States fast food market. Spurlock’s health prior to eating an all McDonalds’ meal for thirty days was above average. He had an eleven percent total body fat, great blood pressure, perfect reflexes; his cholesterol was a one hundred and sixty-eight. He had no evidence of diabetes, his kidney and liver functions were perfect, his general health was outstanding and he had above average fitness for his age group. After the thirty days, his physical, mental, emotional, and social health declined drastically. He gained a total of twenty-four and a half pounds, his liver slightly turned to fat, his cholesterol shot up a whole

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